AgriNation News Network
New Delhi. 23 May 2018
The final Model Act “The State/UT Agricultural Produce and Livestock Contract Farming and Services (Promotion & Facilitation) Act 2018” has been approved. With a view to integrate farmers with bulk purchasers including exporters, agro- industries etc. for better price realization through mitigation of market and price risks to the farmers and ensuring smooth agro raw material supply to the agro industries, Union Finance Minister in the budget for 2017-18 announced preparation of a “Model Contract Farming Act” and circulation of the same to the States for its adoption. Farmer’s producer organizations (FPO’s) have a major role in promoting Contract Farming and Services Contract. On behalf of farmers they can enter into agreement with the sponsor.
Salient features of Model Contract Farming Act, 2018 are:
No rights, title ownership or possession to be transferred or alienated or vested in the contract farming sponsor etc.
-Ensuring buying of entire pre-agreed quantity of one or more of agricultural produce, livestock or its product of contract farming producer as per contract.
-Contract Farming Facilitation Group (CFFG) for promoting contract farming and services at village / panchayat at level provided.
-Accessible and simple dispute settlement mechanism at the lowest level possible provided for quick disposal of disputes.
-It is a promotional and facilitative Act and not regulatory in its structure.