Ecology and environment have to be maintained. Damage to the environment can be irreversible: Supreme Court on GM Mustard

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Ecology and environment have to be maintained. Damage to the environment can be irreversible: Supreme Court on GM Mustard

Nirmesh Singh
New Delhi, 30 Aug 2023

Government wants to go ahead with the sowing of GM Mustard but the apex court on Tuesday deferred the hearing on Centre’s plea for the withdrawal of an undertaking made to court in November 2022 not to go ahead with its commercial cultivation observing the environment harm that would be caused by commercial cultivation of genetically modified (GM) mustard could not be undone.

The next hearing is scheduled on September 26.

“If the court discharges us from our undertaking, then we can proceed to sow the mustard seeds at the ten sites initially proposed and carry out the research,” Additional Solicitor General Aishwarya Bhati submitted.

Alternatively, government wanted court to allow government to sow GM seeds this season at eight sites and place the report before this court.

A bench headed by Justice B V Nagarathna wondered what would then remain to be decided if the Centre was allowed to go ahead with commercial cultivation of GM mustard,

It observed, environment and ecology have to be maintained. Any damage done to the environment can be irreversible. 

It stated it would pass an order only after hearing all the sides. ____________________________________________________________________________