ANN | New Delhi, 01 June 2022
World Milk Day is celebrated on 1st June annually since 2001.
This year, the theme for Milk Day’s focus is to draw attention to the climate change crisis and how the dairy industry can lessen its environmental impact.
According to FAO, the day provides an opportunity to focus attention on milk and to publicise activities connected with milk and the milk industry. The fact that many countries choose to do this on the same day lends additional importance to individual national celebrations and shows that milk is a global food.
According to Economic Survey of India 2020-21, the per capita milk availability was 427 grams per day for the year 2020-21.
As per a study on the demand for milk conducted by the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), the estimated demand for 2030 at an all India level is 266.5 million metric tonnes for milk and milk products.
The per capita consumption pattern shows the rural sector has an estimated share of 57 per cent in the total consumption. The per capita consumption in the urban areas (592 ml) remains higher than the rural areas (404 ml) even in the 2030 projections.
According to FAO, more than 6 billion people worldwide consume milk and milk products; the majority of these people live in developing countries.
The per capita consumption of milk and milk products is higher in developed countries, but the gap with many developing countries is narrowing. Demand for milk and milk products in developing countries are growing with rising incomes, population growth, urbanization and changes in diets.